February 29, 2024

How I Got In The Best Shape Of My Life


I have always thought of myself as someone passionate about food and “wellness.” I have always exercised, and eaten what I thought was healthy, but I always felt bloated and puffy on my mid section, especially after having kids.

I used to think I was eating healthy by opting for fat-free foods or packaged foods that read “all natural”- it never dawned on me that fat free or most packaged food meant chemicals, processing and TONS of sugar.

Last year was a turning point for me, I felt awful like the worst I ever felt in years, and had to make a change. I started doing research and more research on eating and food and then I decided to head back to school to understand food and nutrition.

I realized what made me feel so awful was the “food.” The crap the garbage I was eating and drinking. The processed sugar hidden in all of it, the chemicals, the gums and the caffeine.

After a year of research and school I found what I believe to be the truth. I truly believe that our bodies thrive on real food straight from the earth. Everything else, like processed stuff, just doesn’t cut it.

So basically, the way of eating that I follow is a Mediterranean-style diet – years ago I followed this “diet” but I treated it like any other diet – feeling restricted because my body was still craving the junk.

Now, I look at it as a way of life, the way nature intended us to eat. I focus on whole, natural foods. I focus on eating organic fruits, veggies, grass fed, pastured raised or wild caught proteins, and healthy fats – like avocado, coconut and olive oils, I’ve noticed my body naturally settling into its healthy size, the size I am meant to be.

But remember – being healthy isn’t just about what we eat—it’s also about staying active and building strength. Our bodies aren’t designed to be sedentary; they thrive on daily movement.

So, my message to all of you is simple: if you want to be in the best shape of your life, prioritize real food and prioritize building strength. That’s it. 🙏❤️

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